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Event Updates
IT Cultures Influence Employee Trust
Kelly Ann Smith, IT Consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Tampa, Florida.
A corporate culture study surveyed 152 Interop Las Vegas attendees to evaluate IT employee trust in organic and mechanistic cultures.
By Kelly Ann Smith IT Consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Tampa, Florida., 7/6/2015
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techUK Outlines 2020 Vision At Interop London
Sean McGrath, Freelance IT Writer
Sue Daley, Head of Big Data, Cloud, and Mobile at techUK, laid out her organisation’s vision for 2020 at Interop London today.
By Sean McGrath Freelance IT Writer, 6/18/2015
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News & Commentary
How to Ditch Operations Ticketing Systems
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Damon Edwards, founder, Rundeck Inc. says ticketing systems are expensive and wasteful. Here's his advice for IT groups that want to ditch the old queue.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 9/10/2018
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Why IT Needs More Custom Software
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Jeff Stovall, CIO for Charlotte, NC. explains the value of having more custom built software in government agencies (and enterprises in general).
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 9/4/2018
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How to Overcome CloudSec Budget Constraints
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Robert LaMagna-Reiter, Sr. Director, Information Security at First National Technology Solutions, shares examples of how to apply your existing IT tools to work for your cloud security strategy.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 9/4/2018
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Conquering Legacy IT: Top Projects in Detroit's Recovery
Susan Fogarty, Editor in Chief
Detroit CIO Beth Niblock shares some highlights of her efforts rebuilding the city's crumbling and neglected IT infrastructure.
By Susan Fogarty Editor in Chief, 8/29/2018
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Improving Tech Diversity with Scientific Strategies
Susan Fogarty, Editor in Chief
Aubrey Blanche explains how Atlassian has encouraged diversity by implementing science-based job posting and interviewing policies.
By Susan Fogarty Editor in Chief, 8/27/2018
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How to Make Remote Workers Happier
Susan Fogarty, Editor in Chief
Heather Doshay explains how a simple project helped build empathy and equalize engagement between remote employees and onsite staff.
By Susan Fogarty Editor in Chief, 8/16/2018
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Sponsorship Helps Women in Tech Advance
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Brigid Tabour of Ernst & Young discusses the importance of sponsorship programs to move toward gender parity.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 7/27/2018
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Time to Explore Those IoT Possibilities
James M. Connolly, Editorial Director, InformationWeek and Network Computing
There are a few surprises in UBM's 2018 State of the IoT report, including how many organizations are in search of a business use case.
By James M. Connolly Editorial Director, InformationWeek and Network Computing, 7/20/2018
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Data Transparency for a Recovering Detroit
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Detroit CIO, Beth Niblock, explains the process of creating data transparency in the wake of Detroit's bankruptcy.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 7/12/2018
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Report: AI Is More Hype Than Reality
Lisa Morgan, Freelance Writer
The 2018 Interop ITX State of AI report includes some sobering statistics that will sound familiar to many business and IT leaders.
By Lisa Morgan Freelance Writer, 7/10/2018
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Change Your IT Culture with 5 Core Questions
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Peyton Maynard-Koran, senior director of worldwide infrastructure at Whole Foods, provides some questions that will help you evaluate the role of your IT organization and ensure an open and productive environment.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 7/10/2018
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5 Lessons for SREs and Their Teams
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Now that SRE has become a cool job there's been some washing of the title. Sysadmins and IT ops are being rebranded as SREs without businesses actually making any the changes to their tasks. Here's what you should expect as an SRE as well as tips for excelling in the role.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 6/18/2018
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Four Tips for a Successful IoT Deployment
Steve Kovsky, Technology Journalist
IoT experts share some advice for companies embarking on their first, or maybe their first "successful", IoT initiative.
By Steve Kovsky Technology Journalist, 6/5/2018
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Don’t Get Side-Tracked by Flashy Metrics, Success is in the People
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
Defining KPIs can be a whole different ballpark when you’re in public sector IT. But even if you’re not, the takeaway from these stories can easily be applied to the private sector: Focus on the impact, the people -- the customers -- and success will follow.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 5/22/2018
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Leverage Data to Align Business and IT
Bill Kleyman, Executive Vice President of Digital Solutions, Switch; Writer/Speaker
A takeaway from an Interop ITX panel discussion: Data isn't a commodity to work with, but is a vehicle for unifying IT and the business at large.
By Bill Kleyman Executive Vice President of Digital Solutions, Switch; Writer/Speaker, 5/16/2018
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Experts from Across the IT Spectrum Share Insights from Interop ITX
[VIDEO] IT leaders and experts, including keynote speaker, Beth Niblock, CIO, City of Detroit, share highlights from their presentations at Interop ITX 2018 along with insights about the future of IT.
By InformationWeek , 5/15/2018
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11 IT Leaders and Experts Share Highlights from Interop ITX
Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek
[VIDEO] If you missed Interop ITX or would like to relive it, we have you covered. We've compiled 11 interviews with IT leaders and experts who attended and spoke at Interop ITX 2018, including keynote speakers Sam Ramji, VP Product Management, Google Cloud and Joe Barkai, Consultant, Speaker, Author and Blogger.
By Emily Johnson Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek, 5/15/2018
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How to Kickstart Digital Transformation: Government Edition
Jessica Davis,  Senior Editor, Enterprise Apps
Private companies have conditioned us to expect instant response and services, so we expect that from government agencies, too. But government doesn't always have the same funding that private companies do. Here's how these enterprises are addressing their digital transformations.
By Jessica Davis Senior Editor, Enterprise Apps, 5/15/2018
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Pioneers Create Infrastructure for Self-Sovereign Identity Online
Jessica Davis,  Senior Editor, Enterprise Apps
Several organizations are assembling the technologies to enable self-sovereign identity, a way for individuals to control who they are online. Blockchain is one of those essential components.
By Jessica Davis Senior Editor, Enterprise Apps, 5/14/2018
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Can an MSP Help You Achieve Your Cybersecurity Goals?
Lenny Liebmann, Founding Partner, Morgan Armstrong
By Lenny Liebmann Founding Partner, Morgan Armstrong, 5/11/2018
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Remote Work Tops SF, NYC for Most High-Paying Job Openings
Jessica Davis, Senior Editor, Enterprise Apps,  7/20/2021
Blockchain Gets Real Across Industries
Lisa Morgan, Freelance Writer,  7/22/2021
Seeking a Competitive Edge vs. Chasing Savings in the Cloud
Joao-Pierre S. Ruth, Senior Writer,  7/19/2021
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