Data privacy is different from many technology-related issues. Privacy isn't driven by the performance or capabilities of an application or piece of hardware. It's driven primarily by human actions -- by individuals, businesses, or governments -- with other humans feeling the pain.
Humans make mistakes, creating vulnerabilities, and humans neglect or abuse personal data privacy. Talk of data privacy abated a bit over the past two years while we focused on our physical safety and privacy. We worked online during the day and ordered everything for our homes at night, often not thinking carefully about the information we were sharing with the world.
Meanwhile, data breaches and consumer lawsuits still happened, and enterprises worked in the background to ensure they were compliant with laws such as the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) and EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Now, with less focus on the pandemic, the odds are that we will be hearing about new privacy regulations and more data breaches impacting millions of people. How can enterprises prepare for the next round of data privacy activity? We hope this Enterprise Guide to Data Privacy -- a refresh of the guide published in 2019 -- will provide IT leaders with the information and guidance they need to prep for data privacy circa 2022.
Check out this updated collection of articles, and more from InformationWeek on other topics such as IT management, careers, big data, DevOps, and cloud.
Privacy Regulations and Compliance:
The Future of Privacy: What IT Leaders Need to Know
Over the past year, the trends in privacy have highlighted the critical levers enterprises need to engage over the coming years to manage liability and promote trust when handling personal information, according to Gartner.
What Cloud Attacks Have Taught Us About Hidden Compliance Costs
Recent compromises to cloud services and increased data privacy regulations can negatively impact the bottom line for businesses with nationwide operations.
Litigation vs Google May Cause Ripples in Data Collection
A lawsuit brought against Google by several states adds another wrinkle to questions about data governance, ownership, and profit.
Too Much Data Privacy Regulation Too Fast?
While the California Consumer Protection Act is a step in the right direction in the war for data privacy, are the hurdles that businesses are forced to jump effective and cost-worthy?
Here’s How IT Leaders Can Adapt to Stricter Data Privacy Laws
Whether we are prepared or not, there will be a global shift toward strict data privacy rules in the coming years.
GDPR One Year Later: Was the Hype Worth It?
Only time will tell with how GDPR and regulators can keep up with the influx of breaches and violations, but that doesn’t mean GDPR is something to brush aside.
Why Google's GDPR Fine and Appeal are Good for Enterprise IT
Google's appeal of its GDPR fine over data privacy and transparency just may illuminate the best way forward for enterprise IT.
Enterprise Privacy Policies and Best Practices:
Data Breach Customer Relations: What NOT To Do
If your company has a data breach, customers are going to be unhappy, but there are many ways you make it so, so, so, much worse. Those are the ones you want to avoid.
Why You Should Have an AI & Ethics Board
Guidelines are great -- but they need to be enforced. An ethics board is one way to ensure these principles are woven into product development and uses of internal data. Learn more from the CDO of ADP.
How to Build a Strong and Effective Data Retention Policy
In a world awash with data, it's important to keep key enterprise records safe, secure, and organized, with data privacy being just one concern.
Why You Should Create a Forward-Looking Privacy Policy
New privacy rules will keep coming. Is your organization ready? Data privacy, once primarily a concern for finance and healthcare, is rapidly becoming a priority for nearly all types of organizations, particularly those that collect personal information for marketing analysis.

Privacy and Technology:
What SolarWinds Taught Enterprises About Data Protection
A new approach is emerging to help stay on top of data protection, assuming the system has already been breached.
AI Liability Risks to Consider
Sooner or later, AI may do something unexpected. If it does, blaming the algorithm won't help.
Facebook Shuts Down Facial Recognition
Facebook announced that it will shut down its facial recognition system and delete more than a billion people's individual facial recognition templates, citing growing concerns about the use of the technology as a whole. Privacy advocates welcomed the news.
Pandemic Responses Make Room for More Data Opportunities
The move to accelerate digital transformation and engage with customers online has increased the opportunities for gathering data.
Data in Motion Drives Enterprise Change
Data in motion involves several different situations that might require different architectures, applications, and management techniques. Here’s what you need to know.
Overcome Privacy Shaming During and After Pandemic
COVID-19 is reshaping the privacy landscape and calibrating priorities, but how long will it last?
Data Governance Is Improving, But…
Corporate memories are at risk because the growth in data is outpacing companies' ability to govern and manage it.
This crisis is teaching us a ton about the dissemination and use of data. But we must remember to use it in a way that maintains the quality of data and protects privacy rights.
AI’s Impact on Data Protection Strategies
Is your data protection strategy ready for artificial intelligence? Here are a few things IT leaders and businesses should keep in mind.
How to Convince Wary Customers to Share Personal Information
Burned by past abuses, consumers are guarding their data with an iron fist. You can win back their confidence and gain the insights that provide targeted services. Here’s how.
How to Secure Data Privacy While Growing Machine Learning
There are ways to increase user privacy while still preserving the accuracy of machine learning systems. Here are three practical options for CIOs.
The Internet: Privacy Enabler or Detractor?
The Internet has created more individual privacy than any technology in human history. So why are we constantly told otherwise?